Self-initiated Projects
Brand storytelling spec piece created to show an alternate way to promote a customer success vs. a traditional case study
We are a team,
bonded by the work we accomplish together.
Each of us was handpicked to bring a unique combination of skills, talent, character, and experience to strengthen the group.
Laboring mostly out of sight beginning months in advance and behind the curtain, we create unforgettable moments that make heroes of our clients and life a little brighter for countless audience members.
Each experience we produce bears the imprint or artistic touch of every member of the team.
This kind of work requires long hours, fresh thinking, capable hands, and cool heads.
No team is perfect. When we disagree or make a mistake, we learn, forgive, and move past it so we can move forward together.
For we can only serve our clients by helping and serving each other.
That is the key to our strength.
That’s what makes us a team.